Thursday, November 10, 2005


I finally booked our plane tickets so now it is official - we have two weeks left in Europe inshaAllah. Now I am in the midst of selling furniture, selling off my car, getting all the paperwork done, liasing with our moving consultant, typing up letters informing all companies that we are leaving and trying to squeeze in some time for friendly bonding. Looming over all of this is future thoughts of career and "what's next" that I have been surpressing for so long... I'm stuck in between accounting, banking, marketing and international relations - between needs of security and wanting to follow my passions. But beyond that, the problem is not knowing what I really want and what I am truly talented in. My impatient restless brain is going to make me rip all of my hair out, I just know it... On the bright side, maybe that'll finally push me to wear hijab!!! Must always focus on the positive, right? ;o)

Hope all you bloggers are well!! EID MUBAREK TO ALL!


At 8:19 PM, Blogger Jamz said...

Eid Mubarak to you too sweety
good luck with all the work that is'll make it just fine in don't rip all your hair out lol I like your hair

At 11:25 PM, Blogger Brave Heart said...

Dear nura i don't know if i can explain well by english or no , anyway i know that feeling when u find yourself cannot dicide which way u must choose or how your life plan must be. or r u well sattisfied. i think u must chose ur target and fight to do it this the best way to keep our morality high. about hijab i respect any girl wear hijab becusethismean she respects more her religion and her value ,but if she wants towear it just becuase she upset i think its not nice way to be mohjba. think u for reading this words ,i hope the best wishes in canda , slam 4 now

At 11:30 PM, Blogger Hadeel said...

I took the plunge into hijab when i was 18 and never looked back :) Good luck with it - we're all here for u when u need us!

At 1:50 PM, Blogger Nura said...

Thanks Hadeel and Braveheart.. Hijab has always been on my mind. I know it is an obligation for me and I am willing to embrace is but istakhfarallah something is holding me back. As ridiculous as it sounds, I don't feel ready just yet but I am hoping with the move to Canada and the strong Muslim population there.. I will feel more motivated and more part of a community!!


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